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Walk - 1967

The Journal of the Melbourne Bushwalkers, Volume 18, 1967
Editor: Athol Schafer

A Place to Walk  
Temples of the Dream Time Fred W. Halls
Volcanic Spectacular Tyrone T. Thomas
George Ernest Morrison Rita McCarthy
Mountain Muster  
Book Reviews  
Recipe for a Good Walk Art Terry
Alpine Heritage Merle Halls
Langlauf Skis and the Bushwalker John Brownlie
Long Dry-out Art Terry
Gertrude to Martin M. & J. Siseman
Blazing a Canadian Trail  
Jounama Alma Strappazon
1. (1 day):  Tecoma - Monbulk Forest - Belgrave
2. (1 day):  Trawool - Whitehead's Creek - Seymour
3. (1 day):  Armstrong Creek - Yarra River - Diversion tunnel
4. (1 day):  One Tree Hill - Moore's Break - Belgrave
5. (1 day):  Berwick - Beaconsfield
5. (2 days):  Cockatoo Ck. - Shepherd's Ck. - Woori Yallock
5. (3 days):  Wangaratta - Warby Ranges - Glenrowan
5. (3-4 days):  Fry's - Mitchell's - Jamieson River

Cover Photo "Mitchell's" by John Brownlie