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Training Activities

Snow shoe walk on Baw Baw. Club Christmas Party.

Melbourne Bushwalkers is a non-profit volunteer organisation which seeks to develop the experience and knowledge of its members so that they can more readily enjoy the club's activities and contribute to the general safety of the group. Members are responsible for their own safety and well-being.

Training programs are run at different times throughout the year with details published in the club's activities program and in the club's newsletter, The News. These provide opportunities for members wishing to become Leaders to gain the necessary skills as well as catering for general members wanting to gain practical knowledge and increase their personal skill levels. The Club encourages people to participate in Training regardless of their experience levels and the programs cater equally for Overnight walkers as well as Day walkers. To find out more about our training activities visit the club rooms or speak with the Training Co-ordinator. Melbourne Bushwalkers provides Training programs for its members in the following areas:

Leadership Skills

Equipment demonstration on club night.

People wishing to become Leaders are nurtured by a gradual build up in their knowledge in learning basic and advanced Navigation skills, Leadership principles and practical First Aid.

The training activities involve a mixture of group "classroom" sessions and field exercises. An important part of the training is done with a mentor on actual club trips in "as close as possible" to real life situations.

The Club is fortunate to have experienced volunteer Leaders who are able to pass on skills to others. It is important that as many walkers as possible gain new skills from the Training programs in order to develop a broad knowledge base within the club membership.

Beginners Pack Carry and General Skills

Equipment demonstration on club night.

The club holds regular multi-day Pack Carry trips specifically aimed at those who are new to the activity or more experienced walkers looking to upgrade some of their skills. The emphasis on these trips is generally on enjoying the surroundings on an easier walk while sharing tips and advice on equipment selection, what to eat and how to prepare for longer trips, and at the same time experiencing a night in the outdoors.

From time to time the club also holds special sesions focussed on particular aspects of bushwalking craft, like equipment selection and packing. Frequently these are timed to coincide with Beginners Pack Carry trips.

  • Next Scheduled Beginners Pack Carry or General Training Session (see Activities Program for details):
    Fri, 4th April, 2025:  Beginners: Wilson`s Prom - Oberon Bay
    Fri, 16th May, 2025:  Beginners: Snake Island
  • Navigation

    Equipment demonstration on club night.

    Review your skills with a series of eight introductory articles on navigation which appeared in The News, the Newsletter of Melbourne Bushwalkers Inc. There are questions relating to the articles for both expert and novice, with answers. Possession of a map, preferably of scale 1:25,000 or 1:50,000, will be helpful.

    Four articles on the basics of navigation were published in the October, November, December 2006 and January 2007 editions of The News, the newsletter of Melbourne Bushwalkers Inc, and have been consolidated into a pdf document (346KB) available here.

  • Next Scheduled Navigation Course (see Activities Program for details):
    Thu, 6th March, 2025:  Field Navigation Day - Theory Session
    Sat, 8th March, 2025:  Navigation Field Training Day
    Sat, 12th April, 2025:  Navigation with GPS
  • First Aid

    Equipment demonstration on club night.

    Melbourne Bushwalkers from time-to-time offers members (and particularly encourages leaders) the opportunity to attend First Aid Training Courses in conjunction with recognised training authorities.

    Details of each course may vary but typically provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to recognize and respond to life threatening emergencies using basic life support measures only. These typically cover:

    1 / 5
    Learning the finer points of map and compass navigation.
    Learning the finer points of map and compass navigation.
    2 / 5
    Practicing CPR during a First Aid course.
    Practicing CPR during a First Aid course.
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    Equipment demonstration and tips on light-weight packing.
    Equipment demonstration and tips on light-weight packing.
    4 / 5
    Getting some advice on tent selection during a Beginners Pack Carry.
    Getting some advice on tent selection during a Beginners Pack Carry.
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    Relaxing by a cosy fire during a Beginners Pack Carry.
    Relaxing by a cosy fire during a Beginners Pack Carry.