Club activities require individual responsibility from all members. The guidelines listed below are intended to ensure a safe and enjoyable time for everyone.
Sunday walkers are greeted by the trip leader at checkin.
- Check the grading of the activity and read the grading definition in the Preview. If in doubt as to your ability to undertake the activity, check with the Leader before you commit to participate.
- Persons under 18 years are required to be accompanied by a parent or authorized guardian.
- Bring all the correct clothing, equipment, sun protection, food and water with you. (A minimum of 2 litres of water per day should be carried in summer and on hot days.) If in doubt about what to bring ask the Leader at booking time or before departure.
- Participants on all Club lilo, rafting and canoe activities are required to use buoyancy vests and helmets.
- Arrive at the meeting place in time to depart at the time stated.
- Ensure your health and fitness is suitable for the activity. Advise the Leader if you feel unwell or suffer an injury during the activity.
- If you suffer a medical condition that may require assistance or medication, ensure that you advise the leader, carry appropriate instructions and that the leader or a friend know where these are located.
- Ensure you carry the Club’s green Personal Health Details card at all times when participating in a Club activity, preferably in the outside pocket of your pack.
- Ensure you have ambulance cover as evacuation from remote areas is expensive.
- Follow all reasonable instructions from the Leader and “Whip”.
- The Whip is there to assist slower members and to ensure that nobody is left behind. If you need to leave the track for a toilet stop, inform someone nearby and leave your pack on the track.
- Be aware of and comply with the Club’s Code of Conduct and demonstrate respect and consideration for other participants.
- Provide assistance and support to others on the activity.
- Stop at all track/road junctions, signs, or whenever there is doubt about the correct route and wait for instructions from the Leader.
- Carry a personal First Aid kit, whistle, torch, pen, paper, matches in waterproof container.
- The code when using a whistle is (1 blast – acknowledge, 2 blasts – stop and regroup, 3 blasts – EMERGENCY).
- Care for the environment – minimize plant damage, don’t cut track corners, take your rubbish home, keep at least 100 metres away from watercourses for toilet stops and bury toilet waste at least 15cm below the surface.
Phytophthora affected grass trees in the Otway Ranges.
- Clean shoes after walking in Phytophthera areas (70% methylated spirits or bleach to 30% water).
- When camping, fuel stoves are encouraged, fires should be kept to a minimum size, no rubbish burnt in fires, only dead wood used for firewood and fires to be completely extinguished before bedtime if conditions warrant and when leaving the campsite.
- Don’t pollute streams with shampoo, soap, detergent or food waste. Ensure washing is done away from the stream, lake, etc.
- Ensure you leave details of the activity and the names and telephone numbers of the Club Emergency Contacts (noted on the quarterly Activity Program) with your family or friends and make them aware of the emergency procedures.