Our Program of Walks and other activities is published quarterly with detailed information about each upcoming event. It is published in the monthly Newsletter and on the Website. A variety of walking trips is available, each graded by experienced club members. The Tips for New Bushwalkers gives some helpful guidance to those who are new to the activity.
One of the institutions of Melbourne Bushwalkers is the Sunday Bus Walk which happens two or three Sundays each month throughout the year, with private transport being used each other Sunday. The destination is generally within 1 - 1.5 hours drive from Melbourne, with a bus departing usually at 8:45am and usually returning by 6.30pm. The Sunday Bus Walk generally splits into two groups:
Sometimes, trips may have a harder grading, e.g. "easy" and "medium" or "easy/medium" and "medium". , If in doubt, prospective walkers should discuss with trip leaders the grade and level of fitness required.
If bus transport is used a charge of $30 ( $25 concession ) plus $10 for visitors (temporary members), and a $5 late-payment fee if applicable. If car transport is used a km allowance is paid by each passenger to the driver. The amount for the chosen walk should be shown in the Walk Preview. For details of booking procedures refer to the relevant FAQ item.
To join the bus, members and visitors (temporary members) meet at the corner of William and A'Beckett Streets opposite Flagstaff Gardens well before 8:45am (unless otherwise indicated in the program and/or preview for specific walks). The bus will leave at 8:45am sharp so allow plenty of time for check-in with the leader and boarding the bus.
Weekend trips are planned on most of the weekends of the year. These may be day walks from a base camp or lodge accommodation or pack-carry walks over two or more days. Longer trips are arranged for public holiday weekends, both within Victoria and interstate. Occasionally, small groups arrange trips to New Zealand. Prospective walkers should discuss with the trip leader the level of fitness and other requirements for the trip, if inexperienced with such trips.
These can be either walk-in or ex-car style camping. Camping beside the cars means additional comfort and luxuries, in addition to essentials like tent, sleeping mat & bag, food, cooking gear, etc. Walk-in camps usually involve a 5 - 6km walk to the campsite, so normal weekend pack carry gear is required. These are an ideal introduction to pack carry trips.
All base camps feature day walks, usually with an early start to allow for longer distances.
Longer walks arranged over two or more days, carrying a pack with tent, sleeping mat & bag, stove, food, water, clothing, etc. Consequently, these walks are more difficult because of the weight of the pack and length or difficulty of each day's walk.
Near Melbourne, usually in the Dandenong Ranges, and typically half-day walks. The programme includes an easy grade walk on the last Saturday of each month, and several Saturday walks of a more difficult standard are arranged throughout the year.
In and around Melbourne, looking at sites & routes of historic interest. Typically half-day and easy standard.
The Monday walks are an easy half-day or day walk usually arranged for the third Monday of most months.
An easy or medium day walk usually arranged for the second Wednesday of every months.
Designed for those seeking a less demanding walk, the Thursday walk on the first Thursday of the month is usually within 70kms of Melbourne and around 10-11 kms easy walking, in parks or on bush tracks.
On the last Thursday of the month there is a social walk for those looking for something more relaxing with time to meet and mix with other members. Usually around 5-6km with a lunch venue at the end. (Social walks are qualifying walks for club membership.)
The club organises bus transport for Sunday Bus Walks (see above) and private transport (members' own cars) are generally used for most other walks and activities, with car-sharing arrangements organised by individuals or via the trip leader. A contribution to running costs is the accepted levy per passenger. For average cars on good roads the Club recommends that each passenger contribute 20c/km. (The charges are subject to regular review and passengers should confirm the current guideline with the driver.)
Bushwalking is inherently risky and walkers are responsible for their own safety. Always - "Talk before the Walk" and tell leaders if you have any pre-existing health conditions, special medication requirements or allergies. We want you to have fun and return home safely.